Monday, June 10, 2013

E3 Running Live Diary (Xbox Press Conference)

The Electronic Entertainment Expo is finally here.  Sit back and watch the future unfold.  Station 1621 will be  giving a live recap of events and announcements as they unfold.  The Xbox team is set to begin their press conference soon.  HERE WE GO.

  • Xbox One is set to release in November this year.  (Statement from Rare team)
  • New Kinect Sports and Kinect Sports Rivals announced.  Jet ski racing!! Soccer!! and tons of more activities utilizing the new Kinect.
  • Xbox One press conference is beginning now: watch here.
    • Microsoft opens by showing Metal Gear Solid V by Kojima.  Looks pretty good.  Interesting choice to start the show. First time Metal Gear will be on Xbox.
    • Xbox Live Gold Members, new and old, will receive 2 free games each month up until the release of the Xbox One.  First two free games include Assassin's Creed II and Halo 3.  They have doubled the offer made by Playstation.  This is why the competitive market works. Fable 3 can be downloaded for free as of now.
    • Gold Account sharing.  You can share services on your Gold account such as multiplayer with other friends and accounts.
    • World of Tanks for Xbox 360.  Actually looks fun.  This is the type of indie games Xbox's marketplace needs to separate itself from the competition.
    • Max game by Press Play entertainment.  Can't really tell you more.. It's a kids game.
    • Dark Souls II announced for Xbox 360.  Doesn't seem to offer much.
    • All Xbox One games from here on out.
    • Ryse: Son of Rome.  Pitched as a new franchise for Xbox. Gameplay looks like Assassin's Creed.  Just showed your character instructing a Phalanx formation.  Pretty cool.  Not sure if this makes sense but it feels like a Call of Duty game.  AC mechanics with Call of Duty feel.  Very interesting.  Made by Crytek.  Available at Xbox One release.
    • Killer Instinct is back! Available only for Xbox One.
    • Sunset Overdrive. Made by Insomniac. A stylized open world shooter. Will post link on it later.  Worth discussing.
    • Forza 5.  They have a real prototype Mclaren on stage right now.  Someone please jump in it and try to drive off....  Focusing on how Forza will utilize the cloud.  They call a new program that tracks your driving style a "Drivatar."  Recreates your driving style in all aspects.  How you draft, where you usually are on the track, speed, pretty much everything.  Uses your Drivatar to make AI's in the game more realistic.  The game, per usual, looks amazing.
    • Quick poll on FC_Wars shows that gamers have been slightly impressed so far.  (Small sample).
    • Minecraft sighting!
    • Quantum Break by Remedy.  More on this later.  Utilized freezing time, physics, err whatever, as a concept.
    • Project Spark is Microsoft's independent game development program.  It is not complicated at all.  May require Smartglass... Uncertain though.  They are presenting a program that can be utilized by everyone.  Games can be created for Xbox Marketplace.  More on this later for sure.  The possibilities seem endless.  Very creative app. 
    • Now speaking about how Smartglass aids in your game playing experience.  Using Ryse as an example.  Smartglass shows you recommended tips, leaderboards, and helps you match up into games.
    • Upload Studio.  Xbox uploads videos into the cloud to share with all your friends.  You also can stream directly to Twitch.  Essentially my capture card is now worthless.  Awesome.  But seriously, I find this to be a game changer personally.  Twitch just scored huge with this.  People will be streaming their games across the world more frequently and in greater numbers.
    • Crimson Dragon.  New game where you appear to take flight with your own dragon.
    • Dead Rising 3. Open world zombie game.  Good series to continue on the Xbox One.
    • Witcher 3: Wild Hunt continues on the Xbox One as well.
    • Smartglass is really being pushed with all these games.  Managing inventories, calling in airstrikes for single player games and more.  Tablets are becoming more and more incorporated.
    • Battlefield 4 and their Frostbite 3 engine have taken the stage.  Showing gameplay at 60 FPS.   No sound though so they started the video over.  Is Sony sabotaging Microsoft's show? Sound has returned.  Showing a scene where missiles are destroying an aircraft carrier with you inside.  Firefights ensuing everywhere on board as planes are dropping into the ocean.  Very visually striking.  Map Pack is an Xbox One exclusive.
    • Below, a new game that reminds me of Zelda.  Interesting.
    • Microsoft is investing in five new game studios to produce AAA titles.
    • They just showed Master Chief walking across the desert in a robe, cloth thing.  He was holding Cortana's chip like a DOG tag necklace. Here is the video.
    • Now showing Halo on Xbox One. Dedicated servers.
    • Titanfall from Respawn Entertainment.  Mech battle game with some good on foot FPS.  Really cool movement with crazy jet packing free running.  I actually really enjoyed the art style and visuals but some I watched the reveal with stated it look too much like a combination of Halo and COD.  Not enough differentiation.
    • Xbox One will be $499.
    • New reputation and rating system for players on the new Xbox Live (source).  Hopes to actually be effectively against trouble makers and cheaters.  The one that exists now doesn't work at all.
    • That's it for the Xbox One reveal at E3.  Stay tuned later for more including Sony's reveal!  Station 1621 will be doing write ups for the big games coming out as more information comes available.

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